In 1949 I was born as child of a family, which lost home and everything else during World-War II, because of its German roots. Although I grew up within poor circumstances, I consider my youth as happy.
Brothers : Anton (*1932) and Franz (*1940).
Primary school in St. Dionysen, then BRG in Bruck at the Mur, since 8th grade of school modern-language and technical branch, school-leaving examination in 1968. Armed forces in the defence of airmen, radar. Pedagogic Academy in Graz - Eggenberg. Work as teacher at the Primary and the extended elementary school with much heart for the children and much success. Permanent further training, particularly within the skill of art.
Above all, the growing-up with my completly helpless but mentally normal brother Franz (nickname: Feri) shaped me to a social involved person. Since the death of my father, who was my favourite pattern, I have the responsibility for Feri. With this, my wife Katharina supports me really with all her forces. 1976, marriage, in the same year, daughter Christa was born. Rita followed in 1979, Paul 1985. Since 1998 I am grandfather, my sweet grandchild is named Mila. My activity in the home-municipality in culture lasted from 1990 to 2000. Taking care of my brother and because of my bad state of health I had to retreat step by step from my work as a teacher and from my public tasks, so now I try to concentrate on my art.
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 "Part of" Baustellenfest
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 "Part of" Hochzeitstag
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 "Part of" Bruder Feri
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 "Part of" Grillfest
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 "Part of" Gipfelsturm
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 "Part of" Ex Autonarr
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